wallstreet patina

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Yogurt is a Lie

I was grocery shopping at HEB in the yogurt aisle and I see a coupon for a buy one get one So Delicious yogurt.  I am trying to eat healthier, this looks healthy right?  It has lots of fiber and it is made from coconut milk, that same stuff I make smoothies out of.  It's chocolate too, what's not to love?

Em and I get home and we were excited to try this with our lunch.  I opened the container (which was a chore), and looked inside.  It looked kind of yucky.  Grainy.  Gelatin like.  Eeew.

I sniffed and it was not pleasing whatsoever.  Against my better judgement, I tasted this strange substance.  It was horrid.  It had a sandy texture, with a red wine aftertaste.  That's right-I said red wine.  It didn't even taste chocolaty.  Em wanted a bit of it, so I let her taste.  I didn't think to take pictures of her reaction, but remember those old Keystone Light commercials?  Bitter beer face?  Imagine a 2 year old making that face and that's what she did.

Naming this yogurt So Delicious was a huge lie.  Even better, I have a strawberry flavor in the fridge too!  Will So Delicious yogurt redeem itself?  Stay tuned....

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